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Reference Solutions Databases

  • U.S. Businesses
    104 Million Businesses and 4.5 Million Closed Businesses
  • U.S. Historical Businesses
    397 Million Historical Records
  • Canadian Businesses
    2.5 Million Businesses
  • U.S. Jobs / Internships
    7 Million Job Postings
  • U.S. New Businesses
    2.1 Million New Businesses
  • U.S. Healthcare
    2.5 Million Physicians & Dentists
  • Jobs Library
    My Jobs Library Postings
  • U.S. Standard White Pages
    161 Million Residents
  • U.S. Consumers / Lifestyles
    321 Million Individuals
  • Canadian White Pages
    11 Million Individuals
  • U.S. New Movers / Homeowners
    11 Million Records
  • SecureUSA
    For Law Enforcement Investigations
  • Universal Search
    Simultaneously search businesses and consumers

About Us

What is Reference Solutions?

Reference Solutions is an Internet-based reference service from the Government Division of Data Axle. The site was designed for use as a reference tool in Government Agencies and is continually enhanced based upon suggestions from Government Agencies.

The Reference Solutions database contains, in module format, detailed information on more than 44 million U.S. businesses, 271 Million U.S. residents, 855,000 U.S. health care providers, 1.9 million Canadian businesses, and 12 million Canadian households. Other modules include CorpTech and OneSource. Agencies may customize the product by purchasing one or more modules.

What is Data Axle?

Data Axle delivers a flexible suite of data-driven solutions that add insight to every stage of the sales and marketing process. Whether you’re developing or introducing new products, entering new markets, expanding your offerings, or mastering new marketing channels, you can rely on Data Axle to help you achieve results. We give you the information, insights and advice to help you target, acquire, manage and retain customers.

Data Axle is consistently chosen by businesses of all sizes due to our superior compilation, verification and quality assurance processes that produce the highest quality data and used by thousands of small and mid-size businesses. In addition, Data Axle’s world-class research is the leading provider of insight-driven results and is the exclusive provider of the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll.

What is the Government Division?

The Government Division of Data Axle was formed in 1992 to meet the needs of city, county, state, and federal agencies. Today, agencies worldwide use our information to answer reference questions each day.

The Government Division offers a wide range of database products, available in print, CD-ROM or via the Internet. These products include State Business Directories, The American Big Businesses Directory and CD-ROM, The American Manufacturers Directory and CD-ROM, The American Business Disc, Powerfinder and Reference Solutions.

How does Data Axle compile business and health care information?

Information is compiled from the following public sources: more than 5,200 Yellow Page and Business White Page telephone directories; annual reports, 10-Ks and other SEC information; Continuing Medical Education (CME) directories; federal, state, provincial and municipal government data; Chamber of Commerce information; leading business magazines, trade publications, newsletters, major newspapers, industry and specialty directories; and postal service information, including both U.S. and Canadian National Change of Address updates. One of our over 350 database specialists make telephone calls to verify the information on businesses and health care providers in the database. We place in excess of 24 million phone calls per year to verify and collect additional information on businesses.

How does Data Axle compile residential information?

Reference Solutions' residential information is compiled from more than 5,200 White Page telephone directories. Each listing appears in the database exactly as it appears in the phone book. Reference Solutions does not include unlisted phone numbers, Direct Marketing Association and Canadian Marketing Association suppression files, or state-regulated mail and telephone suppression files (U.S. data only). Information is available eight to 12 weeks after it appears in the phone book, and the file is processed through U.S. and Canadian National Change of Address records on a weekly basis.