Reference Solutions Databases
- U.S. Businesses
105 Million Businesses and 4.5 Million Closed Businesses - U.S. Historical Businesses
397 Million Historical Records - Canadian Businesses
2.5 Million Businesses - U.S. Jobs / Internships
7 Million Job Postings - U.S. New Businesses
2.1 Million New Businesses - U.S. Healthcare
2.6 Million Physicians & Dentists - Jobs Library
My Jobs Library Postings
- U.S. Standard White Pages
162 Million Residents - U.S. Consumers / Lifestyles
322 Million Individuals - Canadian White Pages
11 Million Individuals - U.S. New Movers / Homeowners
11 Million Records
- SecureUSA
For Law Enforcement Investigations
- Universal Search
Simultaneously search businesses and consumers
New Ways to Search
Welcome to Reference Solutions, the premier reference and research database for government agencies. Reference Solutions gives you the flexibility to choose from hundreds of individual, geographic or neighborhood data selections and makes it easier than ever to conduct research on more than 44 million companies and 271 million residents.
- NEW! U.S. Historical Businesses Module
We are proud to announce the launch of our new U.S. Historical Business module! Government agencies and researchers can now evaluate businesses or industries during any time from 2003 to 2014. Searches can be conducted using multiple selections including geography and business type/size. Use the advanced mapping and charting tools to visualize changes and trends over time. Contact your sales rep for further details.
Why Reference Solutions?
You need the most accurate data available. That's why it's important to choose Reference Solutions, a Data Axle company. Data Axle; is the largest database company. In excess of 350 full-time researchers are solely dedicated to building the data, verifying it and updating it for you.
Use our information for:
Economic Development Data Axle Government Division offers precise information on top U.S. public & global companies with detailed executive biographies and company description profiles – information you can use to attract new business.
Law Enforcement Investigations are often costly, time-consuming and complicated. Access to global information is critical to counteracting terrorism and corporate fraud. With a global database at their fingertips, agencies have the information they need to cut investigative times and costs.
Emergency Preparedness/Recovery During times of crisis, state and local governments must be able to communicate clearly and effectively with their citizens. We provide the most up-to-date information on residents, including New Movers and New Homeowners.
Homeland Security Government agencies require mission-critical information on individuals and property to help secure our nation’s borders. Data Axle Government Division offers hard-to-find information vital to minimizing the threat to homeland security.
Financial Oversight Oversight processes are critical to optimizing the value of federal resources. Use our information to enforce accountability, as well as gain valuable insight into trends and financial results to ensure your agency accomplishes program goals within approved funding levels.
Compliance Agencies need high-quality information for strategic planning, critical analysis and enforcing government compliance requirements. Data Axle Government Division can also help agencies build outreach programs to educate businesses and help them comply with federal and regional regulations.
Tax & Revenue State governments depend on taxes & revenue to effectively deliver public services to their citizens. Data Axle Government Division can help improve revenue collections and state tax compliance by collecting tax revenue from delinquent taxpayers, under-reporters, non-filers and unregistered businesses.
Who uses Reference Solutions?
Data Axle Government Division, a Data Axle company, provides the most accurate data available on over 44 Million U.S. Businesses, 271 Million U.S. Residents and 18 Million Global Companies. Our information offers the critical insight federal, state & local organizations need to cut costs and make confident decisions every day.
Serving Government for 30 Years. Clients Include:
- Revenue
- Investigation and Intelligence
- Transportation
- Homeland Security
- U.S. Postal Service
- Health & Human Services
- Economic Development
- Workforce Development
- Census and Surveys
- Entitlement Programs